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Cryptocurrencies and Crowdfunding – Options for Financing of the Family Firm?

27 September 2018

The Founders of the

FBCS – Family Business Circle Switzerland


are very happy to invite you to another Evening Dialogue (held in English) on the subject


Cryptocurrencies and Crowdfunding – Options for Financing of the Family Firm?


The event is kindly organized by

MME Legal / Tax / Compliance
Zollstrasse 62, 8005 Zürich, close to Hauptbahnhof Zürich


Our hosts will be
Dr. Martin Eckert, Founding Partner MME
Dianne Schepers, Senior Legal Advisor Blockchain


on Thursday, 27th September 2018, 18.00-19.00
Followed by an Apéro riche hosted by MME Legal, 19.00-20.00
At MME Legal / Tax / Compliance
Zollstrasse 62, 8005 Zürich, by the Zurich main station.


Places are limited.
Please register via
By 18th September 2018 close of business.


Price for participation: CHF 50 to be paid cash at entrance.
Receipts will be provided.


The Founders of FBCS – Family Business Circle Switzerland

Alma Palo
Checkify AG


Michael Parets


Ariel Sergio Goekmen
+41 79 787 3991


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27 September 2018
18:00 - 19:00